Saturday, November 15, 2014

ART SHARE: Trauma Lecture

This is the progression of the art I made during the Trauma Lecture. I don't know how to interpret it. At the begging of the lecture I started drawing these spinning circles, my vision was of chaotic tunnels. I was surprised that I had intended to draw a green one (the circle on the right) but the colors just kept getting darker and darker. I don't know if that was intentional. 

I then drew this. I have no idea what it means but for some strange reason it makes me think of ovaries. 

Finally I drew this, just when we were discussing the sexual abuse group where the girls decorated the dolls. I started the drawing with the black and blue and then came the rest. To me it looks like a neuron where the black part represents where the trauma is located -the core, the blue represents the healing taking place and the yellow and red the hope and new roads ahead, almost like new synapses. During this part of the lecture I could only picture a brain. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really drawn by your paintings. I notice that for the first two paintings you have a lot of similarities in regards to shapes and possibly colors.

    Your interpretation of your third drawing I find to be so beautiful. It's interesting how you perceived it to be part of the brains capacity to heal when it comes to the biology of trauma. Very fascinating of your artistry I think.


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