Thursday, November 6, 2014

Art Share: Music Doodles

I was in the library working on some homework and felt myself getting pretty stressed. Music has always been my greatest stress relief so i slapped on some earphones and put on some tunes. As I listened I found myself also wanting to draw. I began to "doodle," moving my pen to the music. The end result wasn't anything earth-shattering but the process was soothing. I'd be interested in playing around with more ideas on incorporating music into free-form drawing.

1 comment:

  1. This piece is interesting to me. I find myself wondering what type of music you were listening to? Was this piece created during one song, or during a few different tracks? Were all the tracks the same artist? The same genre? I would imagine that the peaks and valleys of the lines might have something to do with the rhythm or tempo of the song. I usually need to turn off music if I am going to do any reading because I find it distracting (I prefer listening to the music than focusing on the reading) but this seems like an activity where you can do two things at once. Thanks for sharing!


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