This is a piece I painted on an old canvas that I inherited from someone. It had the colored background but nothing more. I am not too artistic but I'm really trying incorporate art in my life and start using my creativity more.
I did this on a day that I was feeling stressed and wanted to focus on something else, since I could not think of what to do with it, I decided to try and copy a painting I saw on a magazine. I realize that for now I like the structure when working on a piece, for me it's a bit overwhelming to have a blank canvas and simply create, but with our class I am beginning to understand that its ok to work with prompts and structure as well. I am beginning to feel more comfortable with art in general and its helping me relax.
Needless to say, my piece, looks nothing like the magazine picture but the process of doing it, really helped me de-stress and even though it's quite a flat image I feel accomplished for both having done something and for finally giving life to that old canvas.
I really love this painting. I think it is so cool that you decided to paint over the colored background and I think the colors you chose are great.