Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Class experience

I found that this exercise spoke a lot to where I am emotionally in my internship (I am selectively ignoring the childhood attachment reference.. :)). I work with adults with severe mental illness in a hospital setting and the other day I noticed an artwork by a patient that depicted a landscape using many intersecting bold straight lines. It looked as though he or she used a ruler to create the image. It was striking. When instructed to draw the nest today I wanted to see what it felt like to create my own object using lines in this way. But when I completed the nest, the work didn't feel right to me. I felt like it needed something else so I added the colors. I strangely felt as though by doing this I was cheating and moving away from how this particular patient saw the world that day but it wouldn't have been my own without this addition. I want so badly to understand what goes on for these individuals. However, I can't lose myself completely into that perspective, I have to keep some of my own.


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